Heritage, landscape, graphic documentation and agroforestry construction
Graphic and metric analysis of historical cartography

Researcher: Carlos de San Antonio Gomez

This research line has its origin in the historiography of architecture and graphic and cartographic representation, evolving latter, from the purely metric graphs aspects. They are, therefore, interdisciplinary research covering the areas of knowledge of Architectural Graphic Expression and Graphic Expression in Engineering. This research has been recognized for the periods 1995-2000, 2001-2006 and 2007 National Assessment of Research (CNEAI) Activity of Ministry of Education of Spain, with 3 sections Research (six-year) -2012.


  • Title: Revista Architectura: 1918-1936.

AUTHORS: San Antonio Gómez, C.
REF. MAGAZINE / BOOK:. Ed Publications Center. General Technical Secretariat. . Ministry of Development, Madrid, 2001, pp 228, 158 black and white photographs, 39 color photographs (ISBN: 84-88496-47-8). 2001

  • Title: The Madrid of 1927. Architecture and art: 1918-1936.

AUTHORS (pp signature): San Antonio Gómez, C.
REF. MAGAZINE / BOOK: Ed Madrid, Concierge Education, Madrid 2000, 280 pp, 143 photographs.. ISBN (84-451-1742-5). 2000.

  • Title: The Madrid of 98. Architecture for a crisis: 1874-1918.

AUTHORS (pp signature): San Antonio Gómez, C.
REF. MAGAZINE / BOOK: Ed Madrid, Ministry of Education and Culture, Madrid, 1998, pp 304, 107 photographs (ISBN .: 84-451-1485-9) .1998...

  • Title: Rinascimento. Da Brunelleschi to Michelangelo. The dell'Architettura rappresentazione.

AUTHORS (pp signature): San Antonio Gómez, C.
REF. MAGAZINE / BOOK: . Journal of Architectural Graphic Expression, No. 4, Las Palmas, 1996, pp. 230-232 (ISSN: 1133-6137) (Avery Index to Periodicals Archictectural). 1996.

  • Title: 20 Years of Architecture in Madrid. "The Silver Age": 1918-1936.

AUTHORS (pp signature): San Antonio Gómez, C.
REF. MAGAZINE / BOOK: Ed Madrid, Ministry of Education and Culture, Madrid, 1996, pp 584, 169 photographs (ISBN .: 84-451-1195-7)... 1996.

  • Title: Practical Exercises Technical Drawing

AUTHORS (pp signature): San Antonio Gómez, C.
REF. MAGAZINE / BOOK: Science and Arts Foundation, Madrid 1984. (ISBN: 84-398-2312-8). 1984.

  • San-Antonio-Gómez, C. de, Velilla, C., Manzano-Agugliaro, F., 2014. Urban and landscape changes through historical maps: The Real Sitio of Aranjuez (1775–2005), a case study. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 44, 47–58.


  • F. Manzano-Agugliaro, F., San-Antonio-Gómez, C. de, López, S., Montoya, F.G., Gil, C., 2013. Pareto-based evolutionary algorithms for the calculation of transformation parameters and accuracy assessment of historical maps.Computers & Geosciences, 57, 124-132.


  • Manzano-Agugliaro, F., Fernández-Sánchez, J.S., San-Antonio-Gómez, C. de, 2013. Mapping the whole errors of Tomas Lopez's geographic atlas of Spain (1804). Journal of Maps, 9, 617-622.


  • Manzano-Augliario, F., Fernández Sánchez, J.S., San-Antonio-Gómez, C. de, 2013. Las “Provincias Bascongadas” del Atlas Geográfico de España de Tomás López de 1804.CT Catastro, 67-81, 77.


  • Manzano-Agugliaro, F., Martínez-García, J., San-Antonio-Gómez, C. de, 2012. GIS analysis of the accuracy of Tomas Lopez´s historical cartography in the Canary Islands (1742 - 1746). Scientific Research and Essays, 7 (2) 199-210.


  • Martínez García, J., Manzano-Augliario, F., San-Antonio-Gómez, C. de, 2012. El Atlas Geográfico de España de Tomás López: Análisis mediante SIG de las poblaciones del «Reyno de Jaén» (1787). CT Catastro 74, 111-138.


  • San-Antonio-Gómez, C. de, Velilla, C., Manzano Agugliaro, F., 2011. Tomas Lopez's geographic atlas of Spain in the peninsular war: a methodology for determining errors. Survey Review, 43(319) 30-44.


  • San Antonio Gómez, C. de, Manzano Agugliaro, F., Rojas Sola, J. I., 2011. Analysis of design criteria in authored wineries. Scientific Research and Essays, 6 (19) 4097-4103.


  • Rojas Sola, J. I., San Antonio Gómez, C. de, 2010. Análisis bibliométrico de las publicaciones científicas españolas en la categoría Construction & Building Technology en la base de datos Web of Science (1997-2008). Materiales de Construcción, 60 (300) 143-149.


  • Rojas Sola, J. I., San Antonio Gómez, C. de, 2010. Análisis bibliométrico de las publicaciones científicas españolas en la categoría Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering de la base de datos Web of Science (1997-2008). Revista de Metalurgia, 46 (6) 555-562. 2010.

  • Rojas Sola, J. I., San Antonio Gómez, C. de, 2010. Análisis bibliométrico de las publicaciones científicas mexicanas en la categoría Engineering, Chemical en la base de datos Web of Science (1997-2008). Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química, 9 (3) 231-240.

  • Rojas Sola, J. I., San Antonio Gómez, C. de, 2010. Análisis bibliométrico de las publicaciones científicas colombianas en la categoría Engineering, Multidisciplinary en la base de datos Web of Science (1997-2009). Dyna-Colombia, 77 (164) 9-17.


  • Rojas Sola, J. I., San Antonio Gómez, C. de, 2010. Análisis bibliométrico de las publicaciones científicas uruguayas en la categoría Engineering, Chemical en la base de datos Web of Science (1997-2008). Ingeniería Química, 38 (2) 33-37.


  • Rojas Sola, J. I., San Antonio Gómez, C. de, 2010. Análisis bibliométrico de las publicaciones científicas argentinas en la categoría Agriculture, Multidisciplinary en la base de datos Web of Science (1997-2009). Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, 42(2) 71-83.


  • San Antonio Gómez, C. de, 2010. An The unknown journey of a forgotten architect (El viaje desconocido de un arquitecto olvidado). RA-Revista de Arquitectura, 12, 25-36. 2010.


  • San Antonio Gómez, C. de, Manzano Agugliaro, F., 2010. La tutoría como vehículo para el fomento de las competencias transversales en los nuevos grados de ingeniería agronómica. Espiral. Cuadernos del Profesorado, 3 (6) 73-83.


  • San Antonio Gómez, C. de, 2008. Los dibujos de Ricardo Velázquez y de Antonio Flórez para la Mezquita de Córdoba. EGA-Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica, 13 180-189.


  • San Antonio Gómez, C., 2007. La forma de la tierra: expedición para medir un grado del arco de meridiano en el virreinato del Perú (1735-1744). EGA-Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica, 12 128-139.


  • Cañas, I.; Bayod, C.; Velilla, San Antonio Gómez, C. de, 2007. Pensamiento crítico para el Pensamiento gráfico.Anales de Ingeniería Gráfica. nº. 19/2007, INGEGRAF, asociación Española de Ingeniería Gráfica, Valencia, 2007, pp. 39 a 45.


  • San Antonio Gómez, C. de, 2000. La influencia del musical americano en Gutiérrez Soto. RA-Revista de arquitectura. Nº4, ETSA Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, diciembre 2000, pp. 91-98.


  • San Antonio Gómez, C. de, 1994. La influencia de De Stijl y de las vanguardias literarias en los dibujos Axonométricos de Mercadal. EGA. Revista de expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica, n.2, Valladolid, 1994, pp. 166 a 172.


  • San Antonio Gómez, C. de, 1993.Geometría y Arquitectura en las iglesias cortesanas de Madrid en el siglo XVIII. Academia, Boletín de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid, 2º Semestre de 1993, núm. 77, pp. 317 a 348. (Depósito legal M. 6264-1958).


  • San Antonio Gómez, C. de, 1988. José Moreno Villa y la Revista «Arquitectura». Arquitectura, nº 270, Enero-Febrero de 1988, pp. 6 a 7 (ISSN: 0004-2706) (Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals y en Architectural Publications Index del Royal Institute of British Architects).

  • San Antonio Gómez, C. de, 1980. Centro Cívico La Vaguada, Madrid. Arquitectura nº 227, Noviembre-Diciembre de 1980, p. 22-23 (ISSN: 0004-2706) (Indexada en el Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals y en Architectural Publications Index del Royal Institute of British Architects).

  • Title: The Kingdom of Portugal from the Geographic Atlas of Spain, 1804: Analysis Using GIS

Candidate: Albino Garcia Seo

University: University of Almería

Faculty / School: Escuela Politécnica Superior

Date: Year 2013.

  • Title: Graph and Metric Analysis of the Geographic Atlas of Spain (AGE) Tomás López, 1804

Candidate: José Salvador Sánchez Fernández

University: University of Almería

Faculty / School: Escuela Politécnica Superior

Date: Year 2012

  • Title: Analysis using GIS cartographic work of Tomás López

Candidate: Josefina Martinez Garcia

University: University of Almería

Faculty / School: Escuela Politécnica Superior

Date: Year 2012

  • Title: The Journals and Papers Architecture Architecture: 1960-1970

Candidate: Amparo Lopez-Bernal Sanvicente

University: Polytechnic University of Madrid

Faculty / School: School of Agricultural Engineers

Date: Year 2011

Title: Methodological Proposal for the study of livestock routes

Candidate: Thomas Ramon Herrero Tejedor

University: Polytechnic University of Madrid

Faculty / School: School of Agricultural Engineers

Date: Year 2005

  • Title: Bounded System Plans: Historiography of a graphic convention and its application in civil engineering

Candidate: Miguel Angel Leon Homes

University: Polytechnic University of Madrid

Faculty / School: School of Agricultural Engineers

Date: 2000

  • Project: Systematic Analysis of the planimetric accuracy Geographic Atlas maps of Spain by Tomas Lopez (1804) using GIS technology

Funded by: Ministry of Science and Innovation

Duration: Years 2010-2013

  • Project: The Urbis form of the Royal Site of Aranjuez in the historical cartography: chart analysis, transcription and planimetric restitution

Funded by: Ministry of Education and Science

Duration: Years 2005-2009

  • Project: Preparation and curator of the exhibition “Architecture Magazine 1918-1936”

Funded by: Department of Housing, Building and Urban Development Ministry. College of Architects of Madrid

Duration: 2000

The  PADOC (heritage, landscape, graphic documentation and agroforestry construction)  research group was formally established as a Consolidated Research Group at the Polytechnic University of Madrid in 2005.
Teachers participating in it belong to two architecture schools and two schools of agriculture:
School of Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Madrid.
The School of Architecture and Geodesy, University of Alcalá de Henares
College of Agricultural Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Madrid.
Superior Technical School of Agricultural Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Madrid.



Some of the projects in which the group is currently working on are:

-Cocoa. New project: Study Cocoa agro-industrial waste. Funded by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Within the “Proyectos-Semilla (PID)”. Project Manager Ignacio Cañas Guerrero. This project is in collaboration with Central University of Venezuela. Duration 2015. Other information in cocoa: http://www.grupoinvestigacionpadoc.com/investigacion/investigacion.php?iditem=62&lang=en

-Cocoa: Valuing cultural heritage of cocoa through tourism landscapes.

-Landscape integration of Greenhouses and wind farms.

-Integrating Agricultural buildings into the landscape: reuse.

-Underground Cellars, an energy-saving model through building systems. The study of hygrothermal conditions, ventilation and simulation models.

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